By Colleen, on January 15th, 2009% Well, it had to happen. It is amazing that I’ve been using WordPress so long without getting into its guts. While hacking on the Tweet this plugin ever so gently, I started to get the feel for how WP plugins work. So I wrote a couple myself. The first one is serious old school, as . . . → Read More: Try my beta Word Press Plugin
By Colleen, on December 4th, 2008% { “pipe_id”: “52c9a16ff593ec43760f996b6e6b5a16”, “width” : “490px”, “height” : “400px” } This is a yahoo pipe that gets fed my twitter name, goes to the public twitter feed, finds my “friends” who have provided geographical locations, and uses that data to map them. Yahoo pipes are amazingly visual ways to build mashups. If you don’t . . . → Read More: Map Your Tweeple (twitter friends)
By Colleen, on November 19th, 2008% One of my web developer friends evolved her own custom CMS several years ago, when there the opensource CMS’s (a la Drupal, Joomla, et al) were not nearly as good as they are now. In the past few years many of her clients have wanted to start blogs. Writing her own blogging module seemed a . . . → Read More: Using Blogger as a front end
By Colleen, on September 14th, 2008% Feedburner will create an animated banner that cycles through the five most recent items on any RSS feed. I used it to create an IAB standard 468×60 banner promoting my tweets. There are excrutiatingly detailed instructions with screendumps over on my companion hub at hubpages (let them host the frakkin’ screendumps) but in a nutshell:
. . . → Read More: Use feedburner to promote your blog graphically
By Colleen, on July 15th, 2008% Dorkage’s response to Entrecard’s partnership deal with SezWho . . . → Read More: Entrecard gives bloggers all the comments they could ask for!
By Colleen, on July 11th, 2008% Woot! Social action!!! Hot Dorkage got reviewed on pisiosplugs. and on Today’s Blog Reviews I won’t quote the reviews, that’s what links are for. I will say that I think Pisio is spot-on with his review, and so is Shen. I’m very happy to be reviewed. If truth be told I’d be happy even if . . . → Read More: Hot Dorkage gets reviewed
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Try my beta Word Press Plugin
Well, it had to happen. It is amazing that I’ve been using WordPress so long without getting into its guts. While hacking on the Tweet this plugin ever so gently, I started to get the feel for how WP plugins work. So I wrote a couple myself. The first one is serious old school, as . . . → Read More: Try my beta Word Press Plugin