By Colleen, on February 7th, 2009% Warning: Hard Core Dorkage ahead! I ran into a snag implementing a general callback strategy. The issue is that you can’t use a class name as a variable and then call one of its methods. Here is the backdrop, the boo-boo, and the workaround.
. . . → Read More: Class names as variables in PHP
By Colleen, on December 23rd, 2008% Is “shrinkage” ever a good thing? Actually, Jerry Seinfeld notwithstanding, yes! If you don’t know about shrinkage as it applies to the internet, learn the basics first , then come back and learn how to make money with it. I’ll wait.
There are rumblings that TinyURL, the oldest and probably most . . . → Read More: Adjix: Monetize your shrinkage
By Colleen, on November 19th, 2008% One of my web developer friends evolved her own custom CMS several years ago, when there the opensource CMS’s (a la Drupal, Joomla, et al) were not nearly as good as they are now. In the past few years many of her clients have wanted to start blogs. Writing her own blogging module seemed a . . . → Read More: Using Blogger as a front end
By Colleen, on November 11th, 2008% Warning: This is hardcore dorkage, not some soft core widget for your blog. You have been warned. Go browse Youtube cat videos now if your brain is easily overwhelmed.
. . . → Read More: wsdl2php Web Services Proxy Class generator
By Colleen, on September 29th, 2008% Anyone who tweets or sends URL’s in emails likes short URL’s for different reasons. Twitter users like ’em because of the 140 char limit for tweets. You don’t want to use all 140 chars allocation on some hairy ugly URL–you also need a few to hint what it IS! Programmatic email senders like ’em because . . . → Read More: TinyURL API
By Colleen, on May 23rd, 2008% Where I lay out my master plan to leverage Ning . . . → Read More: Master Plan to Leverage Ning Events
By Colleen, on April 23rd, 2008% The decision has been finalized. Zend Framework has been selected to leverage the power of frameworks for the legacy code of Tix•R•Us without forcing it into the rigid confines of a Content Management System (CMS) such as Drupal, that you then have to find modules for or program your own.
Zend Framework . . . → Read More: Zend Framework Chronicles Part I
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