IT third place in Lies on Resumes

Tech Republic ran this news item giving particulars about who lies most on their resumes and what things they lie about. IT came in third place. Job responsibilities was the most “lied about” item on resumes.

But as a veteran filling out job application forms, I have to wonder what really is considered a lie. . . . → Read More: IT third place in Lies on Resumes

I can do magic — Can you?

another offering from our friends at xkcd. Ha! I wish I could say

“sudo clean your frakkin’ room!” to my offspring! “sudo” is as close to a magic spell as it gets.

A hack for my Hubpages fans

This is a prototype expression of thanks in the form of Linky LUV in appreciation of my fans over on Hub Pages It randomly displays one of their widgets right here in an IFRAME. This has been upgraded so it will do anybody’s fans, not just mine. If you don’t like the looks of the . . . → Read More: A hack for my Hubpages fans

I quit EC dropping and my bounce rate went down

Since July I have been dropping way way less Entrecards. I made it a point to only drop on sites I was visiting for some other reason, (like I was really interested in the post) which meant I stuck around long enough to not be counted as a bouncer. What did it do? Well admittedly, . . . → Read More: I quit EC dropping and my bounce rate went down

Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere


The other day I got to thinking, why shouldn’t I be the President? Maybe I could be president of the blogosphere….. OK….. Since I’m now a politician I have act like one and promise you GREAT things. Your weenie will grow so big you’ll have to coil it up like a . . . → Read More: Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere

How to create and maintain table comments in MySQL

How to create, see and update table comments so your database scheme is somewhat self documenting . . . → Read More: How to create and maintain table comments in MySQL

Security Articles Growing a Tail!

The dork is featured again in Issue #4 (August 1) of Information Security Short Takes that I was in last month. This blog features a monthly blog carnival potpourri webzine of useful selection of security related articles. I know, I know, nobody wants to hear about security. It’s boring as all get out, and . . . → Read More: Security Articles Growing a Tail!

Woot! The comment spammers found me

Akismet is an awesome spam filter plugin no wordpress blogger should be without. It’s point ‘n’ click installable if you happen to use wordpress, but they claim that hacks exist for 20 other blogging platforms and they do provide an API. Hacks don’t mean evil programs, they just mean ways to enable you to use . . . → Read More: Woot! The comment spammers found me

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.