By Colleen, on July 23rd, 2009% Don’t you hate it when you know you solved a problem three years ago but you can’t remember what the solution was? I ran into that recently. I was trying to make mysql generate a csv directly from query results. I remembered that you can do it, and I had an example of the correct . . . → Read More: How to make MySQL spit out CSV’s
By Colleen, on May 16th, 2009% What is OAuth, and why should you care? Here’s the deal: Just like Skynet of Terminator fame, web apps have lately been doing a lot more talking to each other on the “back-end” instead of all web communication being between a human and a web app. This is a GOOD thing as long as the . . . → Read More: OAuth: Totally!
By Colleen, on September 25th, 2008%
Apparently captured from a workplace monitor security camera somewhere in Russia a few months back. I don’t even know what that guy was so worked up about but I sympathise. Being in a cube is not a whole lot different than being in prison.
. . . → Read More: So glad I don’t work in a cube anymore
By Colleen, on August 4th, 2008%
The dork is featured again in Issue #4 (August 1) of Information Security Short Takes that I was in last month. This blog features a monthly blog carnival potpourri webzine of useful selection of security related articles. I know, I know, nobody wants to hear about security. It’s boring as all get out, and . . . → Read More: Security Articles Growing a Tail!
By Colleen, on June 11th, 2008% A old school phish typically involves an Instant Messenger or email message asking you to click a link. This tried and true technique uses bogus links, and this article shows you how to detect them. Newer phishes bite you at a different level. They feed you “good” links but then they cause the good links . . . → Read More: Avoid the phish
By Colleen, on June 5th, 2008% Another database: CRACKED A recent security breach of a local online merchant prompted me to write this post. As a shopping cart software author and former security analyst at Symantec I know the nuts and bolts of security from several perspectives. Credit card fraud is a huge and growing problem. See my article about credit . . . → Read More: Take Action against Credit Card Fraud
By Colleen, on May 15th, 2008% A layman’s guide to credit card security. Colleen explains encryption, trust, and fraud building. This post is a must-read. . . . → Read More: Credit card security online: what you need to know
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