By Colleen, on August 26th, 2009% I am currently feeling very conflicted about Zend and everything associated with it. I heard a statement the other night by a guy who was talking about CakePHP that hit the nail on the head. Paraphrasing what he said,
“There is nothing wrong with Zend Framework, but you just get this feeling with Zend . . . → Read More: Alternatives to Zend Framework
By Colleen, on August 13th, 2009% I’ve been finding lately that my simplest blog posts grow the longest tails. So here is one for all you dojo toolkit users or wannabe’s. I started seeing the following in dojo scripts that I hadn’t seen before, and couldn’t find any specific comments about it.
;(function(d,$){ /* your code here */})(dojo, dojo.query)
The . . . → Read More: Dojo toolkit wrapper
By Colleen, on August 9th, 2009% Australians have bar camps too. This one won’t be free, but it will be cheap depending on what corporate sponsorship they get. It’s a big sleepover, so you’ll need a sleeping bag. Click the banner to go to their site to sign up: Signups open 12 August. It will be at Urban Camp right . . . → Read More: Bar Camp Melbourne 12-13 Sept 2009
By Colleen, on August 6th, 2009% I was investigating the CSV storage engine for mysql, having never used it. I found out, much to my relief, that it’s a relatively new thing — went standard with 5.1, but certainly not in the kits of luddites like me who have to stay four or five versions back because we can’t afford downtime . . . → Read More: Instant Access to 5 million row CSV for MySQL
By Colleen, on August 5th, 2009%
Penguins are not big fans of Flash, that’s for sure. But they are a little out of touch and sometimes need a reality check. This reminds me of the old days when you had to do a little dance to get Linux to show the floppy disk icon on the GUI desktop. All I . . . → Read More: XKCD Nails Linux
By Colleen, on August 4th, 2009% In a previous post I discussed the stumbling blocks and security concerns that the mysql documentation doesn’t tell you about having a mysql user create csv files on the filesystem.
I ran into yet another issue. In order to do what I want with these csv’s, they have to have column headers. I thought . . . → Read More: MySQL CSV’s with column headings — Part 1
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