By Colleen, on September 29th, 2008% Anyone who tweets or sends URL’s in emails likes short URL’s for different reasons. Twitter users like ’em because of the 140 char limit for tweets. You don’t want to use all 140 chars allocation on some hairy ugly URL–you also need a few to hint what it IS! Programmatic email senders like ’em because . . . → Read More: TinyURL API
By Colleen, on September 25th, 2008%
Apparently captured from a workplace monitor security camera somewhere in Russia a few months back. I don’t even know what that guy was so worked up about but I sympathise. Being in a cube is not a whole lot different than being in prison.
. . . → Read More: So glad I don’t work in a cube anymore
By Colleen, on September 20th, 2008%
CDO Powerpoint SubPrime Primer – Upload a Document to Scribd Read this document on Scribd: CDO Powerpoint SubPrime Primer
Are you confused about the financial crisis in the USA that threatens to cause a global recession? So was I until I saw this humorous, but spot on presentation of how it all works. It’s . . . → Read More: SubPrime Mortgage Primer
By Colleen, on September 14th, 2008% Feedburner will create an animated banner that cycles through the five most recent items on any RSS feed. I used it to create an IAB standard 468×60 banner promoting my tweets. There are excrutiatingly detailed instructions with screendumps over on my companion hub at hubpages (let them host the frakkin’ screendumps) but in a nutshell:
. . . → Read More: Use feedburner to promote your blog graphically
By Colleen, on September 12th, 2008% I don’t usually embed YouTubes with no original content, but this one is just too funny.
It’s enough to make me stop blogging.
By Colleen, on September 10th, 2008% A snapshot of my wsgrader badge
Did you ever wonder how good your website or blog was? There seems to be nothing site owners like better than analyzing and measuring their websites. I ran mine through website grader (part of hubspot, NOT hubpages) and came out with a score of 91. That’s a percentile. . . . → Read More: Website Grader gives your website a score
By Colleen, on September 3rd, 2008% Quick fix eye-candy comic to placate you …. from xkcd
Ho hummmmmm…… It’s high time I did another post in this sleepy little blog that only eight really cool people read regularly. There are over six billion people in the world, and 1 billion of them have internet. But there aren’t that many really . . . → Read More: How to increase your blog fan base
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