How my jQuery Drag’n’Drop Jigsaw works

I had a kind of implied request to talk about the code in this jquery jigsaw puzzle. I sort of figured you can Firebug it from hereif you like, but maybe a little expository prose will enable you to focus on the salient parts of the script. (Sorry the old link got broken when . . . → Read More: How my jQuery Drag’n’Drop Jigsaw works One API to rule them all

Something very very cool fell into my inbox today.

The back story I had been researching OEmbed kind of as a background project to see if I could use it in my own stuff. Now what is OEmbed, you ask? It is a specification by which a simple link transforms itself into rich content. If . . . → Read More: One API to rule them all

Utterli: Twitter with media

Utterli seems like a lot like Twitter at first glance. The difference is that you can post voice messages, video, or stills directly to it from your mobile.

. . . → Read More: Utterli: Twitter with media

Adjix: Monetize your shrinkage

Is “shrinkage” ever a good thing? Actually, Jerry Seinfeld notwithstanding, yes! If you don’t know about shrinkage as it applies to the internet, learn the basics first , then come back and learn how to make money with it. I’ll wait.

There are rumblings that TinyURL, the oldest and probably most . . . → Read More: Adjix: Monetize your shrinkage


Anyone who tweets or sends URL’s in emails likes short URL’s for different reasons. Twitter users like ’em because of the 140 char limit for tweets. You don’t want to use all 140 chars allocation on some hairy ugly URL–you also need a few to hint what it IS! Programmatic email senders like ’em because . . . → Read More: TinyURL API

Master Plan to Leverage Ning Events

Where I lay out my master plan to leverage Ning . . . → Read More: Master Plan to Leverage Ning Events

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