Apparently captured from a workplace monitor security camera somewhere in Russia a few months back.
I don’t even know what that guy was so worked up about but I sympathise. Being in a cube is not a whole lot different than being in prison.
indeed. Not to mention smelling the bees’ yucky junk food lunches and the ensuing farts, hearing the slight tinny leakage from their headphones, being an unwilling kibitzer on their private and business phone conversations and feeling obliged to laugh when we all get IM’s of the same funny picture at the same time.
It was weird that around 30 seconds in he starts picking up his papers, in what appeared to be an organized fashion, only to thrown them a few seconds later. I used to do the cube thing a while ago and it really can be a bad work environment, but it never drove me to violence 🙂
Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis
euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.
Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan.
Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem,
suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.
This gets better and better everytime I see it!
Even i am not comfortable with the cubical concept. It feels like being in a honey-comb with bees humming all around you.
indeed. Not to mention smelling the bees’ yucky junk food lunches and the ensuing farts, hearing the slight tinny leakage from their headphones, being an unwilling kibitzer on their private and business phone conversations and feeling obliged to laugh when we all get IM’s of the same funny picture at the same time.
It was weird that around 30 seconds in he starts picking up his papers, in what appeared to be an organized fashion, only to thrown them a few seconds later. I used to do the cube thing a while ago and it really can be a bad work environment, but it never drove me to violence 🙂
Never worked in a cube, but it’s a stresful environment. Maybe sooner or later, I would have done that too :))
I guess it has to happen to every one sooner or later. I mean evry1 has to pass this phase sitting in tht honeycomb and getting tormented.. ;o
Indeed. Very stressful.
Absolutely stressful.