HubPages: A paying outlet for your verbal diarrhea

Want to know a little secret about bloggers? We bloggers all have a bad case of verbal diarrhea! We just can’t stop spouting off and we all like an audience. Since we’re all doomed to suffer from this malady, we might as well get paid something while we suffer from it.

The downside to blogging . . . → Read More: HubPages: A paying outlet for your verbal diarrhea

How to tell your neighbors your web exists

Do you ever want to know who your blogging neighbors are? Or websites geographically near you in general? Even better, would you want an easy way for them to find you? GeoURL is here to help. GeoURL asks you to place two metatags in the head of your website and it helps you generate them . . . → Read More: How to tell your neighbors your web exists

Geek Events In the News

Note: This clipping is strictly for entertainment purposes, is 100% fictitions and facetious, and has no connection with any news media or individual living or dead bla bla bla…… You can get your own fake clipping like this free from

. . . → Read More: Geek Events In the News

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