By Colleen, on May 16th, 2009% What is OAuth, and why should you care? Here’s the deal: Just like Skynet of Terminator fame, web apps have lately been doing a lot more talking to each other on the “back-end” instead of all web communication being between a human and a web app. This is a GOOD thing as long as the . . . → Read More: OAuth: Totally!
By Colleen, on April 23rd, 2009% THIS ARTICLE IS NOT SERIOUS DORKAGE. ANYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT. You’re probably here because you suspect someone (parent, spouse, sibling, roomate, etc.) is reading your email. That’s the problem. Before I describe the booby-trap I will insert this caveat: Problems like this are best avoided from the get-go. Did you ever . . . → Read More: Booby Trap your Email: catch common snoops
By Colleen, on February 1st, 2009% I just finished installing the latest version of the Tweet This WordPress Plugin. It renders my Tweet This Hack obsolete. As now you can configure the text that comes out. This is as it should be. I’m so honored! Richard Thripp, the author of Tweet This, even dropped by and made a comment on that . . . → Read More: New Tweet This Hack but Still no Monkeys
By Colleen, on January 15th, 2009% Well, it had to happen. It is amazing that I’ve been using WordPress so long without getting into its guts. While hacking on the Tweet this plugin ever so gently, I started to get the feel for how WP plugins work. So I wrote a couple myself. The first one is serious old school, as . . . → Read More: Try my beta Word Press Plugin
By Colleen, on December 9th, 2008% I was recently reading Guy Kawasaki’s blog post on how he uses Twitter. I was thinking, sure, Twitterfeed is great because it tweets my blog posts as me, but it would be even nicer if my awesome readers had a button to tweet my blog post as them in one click, i.e. without the brain . . . → Read More: When Monkeys Fly Out My A$$ OR My TweetThis Hack
By Colleen, on August 15th, 2008% This is a prototype expression of thanks in the form of Linky LUV in appreciation of my fans over on Hub Pages It randomly displays one of their widgets right here in an IFRAME. This has been upgraded so it will do anybody’s fans, not just mine. If you don’t like the looks of the . . . → Read More: A hack for my Hubpages fans
By Colleen, on August 4th, 2008%
The dork is featured again in Issue #4 (August 1) of Information Security Short Takes that I was in last month. This blog features a monthly blog carnival potpourri webzine of useful selection of security related articles. I know, I know, nobody wants to hear about security. It’s boring as all get out, and . . . → Read More: Security Articles Growing a Tail!
By Colleen, on July 29th, 2008%
If you like stumbleupon for discovering websites and blogs, you are gonna love stumbleaudio for discovering new artists and tracks. Warning: it is a flash site but the interface is well-done and intuitive.
. . . → Read More: StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks
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Try my beta Word Press Plugin
Well, it had to happen. It is amazing that I’ve been using WordPress so long without getting into its guts. While hacking on the Tweet this plugin ever so gently, I started to get the feel for how WP plugins work. So I wrote a couple myself. The first one is serious old school, as . . . → Read More: Try my beta Word Press Plugin