How my jQuery Drag’n’Drop Jigsaw works

I had a kind of implied request to talk about the code in this jquery jigsaw puzzle. I sort of figured you can Firebug it from hereif you like, but maybe a little expository prose will enable you to focus on the salient parts of the script. (Sorry the old link got broken when . . . → Read More: How my jQuery Drag’n’Drop Jigsaw works

Berio Free Video Screen Capture for Leopard

Camtasia is awesome, but pricey. For the likes of me, who doesn’t do video screen capture for a living, the price just isn’t justified. Leopard comes with an app to do capture, but it requires a hookup to a MacOSX server. Out of luck again. Enter Berio. Simple Straightforward, and does the job. You can . . . → Read More: Berio Free Video Screen Capture for Leopard

Sarah Palin Answer Oracle

Wow a Sarah Palin Answer Generator!! I had a lot of fun playing with Sarah Palin sound bites this morning, then I whipped up this little program to crank out Sarah Palin speeches. This audio player creates a genuine unique Sarah Palin answer to any question you might wish to ask. You don’t have . . . → Read More: Sarah Palin Answer Oracle

StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

If you like stumbleupon for discovering websites and blogs, you are gonna love stumbleaudio for discovering new artists and tracks. Warning: it is a flash site but the interface is well-done and intuitive.

. . . → Read More: StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

How to make an audio post


Links referenced in the post:

Audacity 1pixelout

The body of this post is audio. You should be seeing a little player icon. One of my test computers failed to display it. If you can’t see it, leave me a comment with your OS, browser and version so we can compile some data for the . . . → Read More: How to make an audio post

Feed Blitz Chiclet

FeedBlitz Chiclet: What is FeedBlitz? And what is a chiclet (or chicklet, as it is sometimes spelled?) FeedBlitz is an outfit that creates and manages a subscription list for your blog FREE. And the term “chiclet” has come to mean any web third party dynamic thing that does interesting Web 2.0 stuff on the . . . → Read More: Feed Blitz Chiclet

A sample text widget

Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.