Berio Free Video Screen Capture for Leopard

Camtasia is awesome, but pricey. For the likes of me, who doesn’t do video screen capture for a living, the price just isn’t justified. Leopard comes with an app to do capture, but it requires a hookup to a MacOSX server. Out of luck again. Enter Berio. Simple Straightforward, and does the job. You can . . . → Read More: Berio Free Video Screen Capture for Leopard

Free Virtual Geek Swag: 3-D Tux

Everyone loves a freebie, even geeks, who are notorious for their immunity to normal sales tactics. But not just any cheap fris–ah woops I mean flying disk–or boring white promotional T-shirt will do: to truly capture a geek’s heart it has to be the right schwag..

. . . → Read More: Free Virtual Geek Swag: 3-D Tux

StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

If you like stumbleupon for discovering websites and blogs, you are gonna love stumbleaudio for discovering new artists and tracks. Warning: it is a flash site but the interface is well-done and intuitive.

. . . → Read More: StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

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