Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere


The other day I got to thinking, why shouldn’t I be the President? Maybe I could be president of the blogosphere….. OK….. Since I’m now a politician I have act like one and promise you GREAT things. Your weenie will grow so big you’ll have to coil it up like a . . . → Read More: Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere

Free link juice in a blogalicious flavor

If your blog is 100% nutritious lean tech protein, it seems as dry and flavorless as a digital camera manual. Besides, any cook knows that the flavor is in the fat. Not useful but people like it better. That’s the lesson I have been learning lately but I hadn’t taken any action yet. Even so, . . . → Read More: Free link juice in a blogalicious flavor

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