I quit EC dropping and my bounce rate went down

Since July I have been dropping way way less Entrecards. I made it a point to only drop on sites I was visiting for some other reason, (like I was really interested in the post) which meant I stuck around long enough to not be counted as a bouncer. What did it do? Well admittedly, . . . → Read More: I quit EC dropping and my bounce rate went down

Entrecard gives bloggers all the comments they could ask for!

Dorkage’s response to Entrecard’s partnership deal with SezWho . . . → Read More: Entrecard gives bloggers all the comments they could ask for!

Dork on break

Even dorks need a break some time, and this dork is taking off the month of July. I am going to visit all my old friends in Nuevo Leon that I haven’t seen for about 10 years and I plan to check email every other day or so and possibly upload pictures from the road . . . → Read More: Dork on break

Pimp your Blog II: Entrecard, Blogcatalog, and MyBlogLog

Sorry kids, there’s no picture in today’s post. I’ve just been playing with three blog pimping services Entrecard, Blogcatalog, and MyBloglog.

. . . → Read More: Pimp your Blog II: Entrecard, Blogcatalog, and MyBlogLog

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.