Testing Google Friend Connect

When Google talks, I at least pay attention. Whether you like them or not, no one can deny that Google has a great deal of KLOUT on the interwebz. This Google Friend Connect thing is the latest scuttlebutt. Of course I have to try it, even though I’m not insanely hopeful that it’s going to . . . → Read More: Testing Google Friend Connect

Social Net Toonlet: Be Helpful!


by tixrus . . . → Read More: Social Net Toonlet: Be Helpful!

Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere


The other day I got to thinking, why shouldn’t I be the President? Maybe I could be president of the blogosphere….. OK….. Since I’m now a politician I have act like one and promise you GREAT things. Your weenie will grow so big you’ll have to coil it up like a . . . → Read More: Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere

Free link juice in a blogalicious flavor

If your blog is 100% nutritious lean tech protein, it seems as dry and flavorless as a digital camera manual. Besides, any cook knows that the flavor is in the fat. Not useful but people like it better. That’s the lesson I have been learning lately but I hadn’t taken any action yet. Even so, . . . → Read More: Free link juice in a blogalicious flavor

Hot Dorkage gets reviewed

Woot! Social action!!! Hot Dorkage got reviewed on pisiosplugs. and on Today’s Blog Reviews I won’t quote the reviews, that’s what links are for. I will say that I think Pisio is spot-on with his review, and so is Shen. I’m very happy to be reviewed. If truth be told I’d be happy even if . . . → Read More: Hot Dorkage gets reviewed

WTF is Ping.fm?

Ping.fm purports to let you update a bunch of social sites all at once. It is in beta now, and you have to have the current betacode to get an account. The current betacode is “letmeping”. They keep changing it. I have no idea how long that code will be good.

I found a valid . . . → Read More: WTF is Ping.fm?

Scoutle: another layer of automation?

I have been struggling to get started with Dojo and Ning lately. Both these technologies are fairly new and the number of books about on Dojo is severely limited, and as far as I know there are no books on Ning. So I would like to hook up with some other developers who are knowledgeable . . . → Read More: Scoutle: another layer of automation?

Ning makes top 20!

I nabbed this graphic off a-stat-a-day Did you know we have a ning site of our very own? So if you visited it before these stats were compiled, your visits were included in these stats. And if not, it’s not too late to join it!

. . . → Read More: Ning makes top 20!

Twitter — the birdsong of 500 lb. canaries with bullhorns?

What is the deal with Twitter? I just don’t get it! I’m with Kathy Sierra on this one. (For those who don’t know, Kathy Sierra is one of my all-time heroes — a brilliant educator, writer and blogger who shut down last year due to misogynistic death threats. Would the bullying have been so egregious, . . . → Read More: Twitter — the birdsong of 500 lb. canaries with bullhorns?

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