Twitter Mosaic: Get Yours

After two pretty cerebral hard core posts in a row I’d better have something fluffy, but in a geeky way. So here you go — A Twitter Mosaic. If you have significant friends at all it generates a pretty hefty chunk of HTML code to slap into your blog.

They will put a reduced number . . . → Read More: Twitter Mosaic: Get Yours

Map Your Tweeple (twitter friends)

{ “pipe_id”: “52c9a16ff593ec43760f996b6e6b5a16”, “width” : “490px”, “height” : “400px” } This is a yahoo pipe that gets fed my twitter name, goes to the public twitter feed, finds my “friends” who have provided geographical locations, and uses that data to map them. Yahoo pipes are amazingly visual ways to build mashups. If you don’t . . . → Read More: Map Your Tweeple (twitter friends)

Free link juice in a blogalicious flavor

If your blog is 100% nutritious lean tech protein, it seems as dry and flavorless as a digital camera manual. Besides, any cook knows that the flavor is in the fat. Not useful but people like it better. That’s the lesson I have been learning lately but I hadn’t taken any action yet. Even so, . . . → Read More: Free link juice in a blogalicious flavor

Hot Dorkage gets reviewed

Woot! Social action!!! Hot Dorkage got reviewed on pisiosplugs. and on Today’s Blog Reviews I won’t quote the reviews, that’s what links are for. I will say that I think Pisio is spot-on with his review, and so is Shen. I’m very happy to be reviewed. If truth be told I’d be happy even if . . . → Read More: Hot Dorkage gets reviewed

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.