How to access ext2 FS from WinXP and Leopard

Here’s the scenario: I’m trying to get data together from several old hard drives that are laying around. Some of them are dual boot Linux ext2 and a variety of Win’s all the way back to 2000. Then I have a fairly large drive that is pure ext2. I don’t want to haul the weight . . . → Read More: How to access ext2 FS from WinXP and Leopard

Zend Tool bug and work around

I have fired off the new Zend Framework tool several times now to automatically create a scaffolding for a new project. It’s pretty handy, though for a lot less work they could have just included a premade scaffolding in the download. The Zend Tool is fairly new and evolving, and will only get stronger . . . → Read More: Zend Tool bug and work around

Inane comments are history

This blog is a thinking person’s blog. Yeah, I know, that really limits the readership, but so be it. Akismet is very good at getting the obvious spam comments. It’s even started flagging comments where the robot just picks a tag out of the blog’s tags and autocomments a slightly more targeted statement generally related . . . → Read More: Inane comments are history

Laugh Poop and Die: A Toonlet Comic that Won’t Give you Diabetes

In a previous post I blathered about defacing toonlet® graphics. That activity was for the purpose of refining the best toons into a cohesive book. The first edition (40pp) is now available for download! Here are samples. The ebook has about 60 strips. It’s a free download for the time being. If you like the . . . → Read More: Laugh Poop and Die: A Toonlet Comic that Won’t Give you Diabetes

Thinking outside the frame with toonlet®

I’ve been known to feature a toonlet® web comic in my blog from time to time. “What is a toonlet®?” you ask.® is the brainchild of Craig Schwartz and Seth Ladygo. It is essentially a Mr. Potato head inspired web toon toolkit that also adds 21st century features like resizing, rotation and repositioning. . . . → Read More: Thinking outside the frame with toonlet®

Multi-tasking is bullshit

How many job descriptions have you seen that says “Ability to multitask a must?” Personally I have always thought that “multi-tasking” was bullshit. Oh, sure, you could have several projects open at once but if you flit tirelessly from one to another, you are engaging in what we used to call “thrashing” way back . . . → Read More: Multi-tasking is bullshit

Ticket Mastery

Ticket Mastery

by taterprint

Any black humor about the business of ticket reselling resonates with me. I found this one today (this is not one of mine but I wish it was!) and it’s so true. There are so many sleazy backroom deals and stuff that goes on related to ticket sales that . . . → Read More: Ticket Mastery

OW! Zend Framework bit me OR Careful with that config

Ouch! I just solved a puzzling error in Zend Framework. It was telling me that I had an illegal file name. While the trace never did point to the exact line in my code that triggered it, it clearly had something to do with a PDO_SQL database.

I checked the database file and . . . → Read More: OW! Zend Framework bit me OR Careful with that config

Weblebrity: How to get Famous in Social Networking


by tixrus

Updated this old toonlet now that we can size them! Wheeee!

OAuth: Totally!

What is OAuth, and why should you care? Here’s the deal: Just like Skynet of Terminator fame, web apps have lately been doing a lot more talking to each other on the “back-end” instead of all web communication being between a human and a web app. This is a GOOD thing as long as the . . . → Read More: OAuth: Totally!

A sample text widget

Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.