Laugh Poop and Die: A Toonlet Comic that Won’t Give you Diabetes

In a previous post I blathered about defacing toonlet® graphics. That activity was for the purpose of refining the best toons into a cohesive book. The first edition (40pp) is now available for download! Here are samples. The ebook has about 60 strips. It’s a free download for the time being. If you like the . . . → Read More: Laugh Poop and Die: A Toonlet Comic that Won’t Give you Diabetes

Thinking outside the frame with toonlet®

I’ve been known to feature a toonlet® web comic in my blog from time to time. “What is a toonlet®?” you ask.® is the brainchild of Craig Schwartz and Seth Ladygo. It is essentially a Mr. Potato head inspired web toon toolkit that also adds 21st century features like resizing, rotation and repositioning. . . . → Read More: Thinking outside the frame with toonlet®

Ticket Mastery

Ticket Mastery

by taterprint

Any black humor about the business of ticket reselling resonates with me. I found this one today (this is not one of mine but I wish it was!) and it’s so true. There are so many sleazy backroom deals and stuff that goes on related to ticket sales that . . . → Read More: Ticket Mastery

Be Helpful Toonlet Take 2: Gender Bender

Helpful Take 2

by tixrus

My daughter claimed that the original “Be Helpful” toon unfairly targeted men as the perpetrators of unconscious assumptions about who would have geek mojo worth paying attention to and and who would obviously not, based on gender. Nope, not really. The perp in the first toon happened to . . . → Read More: Be Helpful Toonlet Take 2: Gender Bender

Social Net Toonlet: Be Helpful!


by tixrus . . . → Read More: Social Net Toonlet: Be Helpful!

Move over Dilbert…. uh… (sort of)

I was just surfing around the startupalooza website for who’s coming to Portland and I ran across the toonlet site. I remember writing a Mr. Potato head stack in Hypercard many years ago and it was a lot of fun. I’d seen others as well, desktop toys for Windoze and Mac, all along the . . . → Read More: Move over Dilbert…. uh… (sort of)

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