Multi-tasking is bullshit

How many job descriptions have you seen that says “Ability to multitask a must?” Personally I have always thought that “multi-tasking” was bullshit. Oh, sure, you could have several projects open at once but if you flit tirelessly from one to another, you are engaging in what we used to call “thrashing” way back . . . → Read More: Multi-tasking is bullshit

OW! Zend Framework bit me OR Careful with that config

Ouch! I just solved a puzzling error in Zend Framework. It was telling me that I had an illegal file name. While the trace never did point to the exact line in my code that triggered it, it clearly had something to do with a PDO_SQL database.

I checked the database file and . . . → Read More: OW! Zend Framework bit me OR Careful with that config

Weblebrity: How to get Famous in Social Networking


by tixrus

Updated this old toonlet now that we can size them! Wheeee!

OAuth: Totally!

What is OAuth, and why should you care? Here’s the deal: Just like Skynet of Terminator fame, web apps have lately been doing a lot more talking to each other on the “back-end” instead of all web communication being between a human and a web app. This is a GOOD thing as long as the . . . → Read More: OAuth: Totally!

Booby Trap your Email: catch common snoops

THIS ARTICLE IS NOT SERIOUS DORKAGE. ANYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT. You’re probably here because you suspect someone (parent, spouse, sibling, roomate, etc.) is reading your email. That’s the problem. Before I describe the booby-trap I will insert this caveat: Problems like this are best avoided from the get-go. Did you ever . . . → Read More: Booby Trap your Email: catch common snoops

New offline phish technique targets noobs & luddites

Who is least likely to recognize a phish when he sees one? A noob or a luddite right? As more and more people get online, more and more people are getting savvy about phish scams. The only people still likely to be highly vulnerable are those people who still don’t have internet woven into their . . . → Read More: New offline phish technique targets noobs & luddites

RSS Mystery solved: for optimal solution go to the source

WARNING: This post is about RSS, which is normally a pretty fluffy topic, but this article assumes you have a fairly technical appreciation for how it works.

I recently posted about what I hope is a trend to RSS feed bloggers’ articles into local community based social networks. If done correctly, this is a . . . → Read More: RSS Mystery solved: for optimal solution go to the source

Bar Camp 2009

Beaver Bar Camp 2009 was held at Kelley Engineering Center on Saturday April 4. Didn’t get quite the sponsorship of last year’s event, which I attributed to the economic meltdown. Still, there was food and T-shirts and excellent space to host the ad-hoc presentations that happen at Bar Camps.

. . . → Read More: Bar Camp 2009

Testing Google Friend Connect

When Google talks, I at least pay attention. Whether you like them or not, no one can deny that Google has a great deal of KLOUT on the interwebz. This Google Friend Connect thing is the latest scuttlebutt. Of course I have to try it, even though I’m not insanely hopeful that it’s going to . . . → Read More: Testing Google Friend Connect

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