Twitter Mosaic: Get Yours

After two pretty cerebral hard core posts in a row I’d better have something fluffy, but in a geeky way. So here you go — A Twitter Mosaic. If you have significant friends at all it generates a pretty hefty chunk of HTML code to slap into your blog.

They will put a reduced number . . . → Read More: Twitter Mosaic: Get Yours

Move over Dilbert…. uh… (sort of)

I was just surfing around the startupalooza website for who’s coming to Portland and I ran across the toonlet site. I remember writing a Mr. Potato head stack in Hypercard many years ago and it was a lot of fun. I’d seen others as well, desktop toys for Windoze and Mac, all along the . . . → Read More: Move over Dilbert…. uh… (sort of)

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