Anyone who tweets or sends URL’s in emails likes short URL’s for different reasons. Twitter users like ’em because of the 140 char limit for tweets. You don’t want to use all 140 chars allocation on some hairy ugly URL–you also need a few to hint what it IS! Programmatic email senders like ’em because . . . → Read More: TinyURL API

I quit EC dropping and my bounce rate went down

Since July I have been dropping way way less Entrecards. I made it a point to only drop on sites I was visiting for some other reason, (like I was really interested in the post) which meant I stuck around long enough to not be counted as a bouncer. What did it do? Well admittedly, . . . → Read More: I quit EC dropping and my bounce rate went down

Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere


The other day I got to thinking, why shouldn’t I be the President? Maybe I could be president of the blogosphere….. OK….. Since I’m now a politician I have act like one and promise you GREAT things. Your weenie will grow so big you’ll have to coil it up like a . . . → Read More: Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere

Security Articles Growing a Tail!

The dork is featured again in Issue #4 (August 1) of Information Security Short Takes that I was in last month. This blog features a monthly blog carnival potpourri webzine of useful selection of security related articles. I know, I know, nobody wants to hear about security. It’s boring as all get out, and . . . → Read More: Security Articles Growing a Tail!

StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

If you like stumbleupon for discovering websites and blogs, you are gonna love stumbleaudio for discovering new artists and tracks. Warning: it is a flash site but the interface is well-done and intuitive.

. . . → Read More: StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

AideRSS — a reader that filters for you

describes aiderss, a rss reader with filtering . . . → Read More: AideRSS — a reader that filters for you

Wanna see what a dork looks like?

. . . → Read More: Wanna see what a dork looks like?

HubPages: A paying outlet for your verbal diarrhea

Want to know a little secret about bloggers? We bloggers all have a bad case of verbal diarrhea! We just can’t stop spouting off and we all like an audience. Since we’re all doomed to suffer from this malady, we might as well get paid something while we suffer from it.

The downside to blogging . . . → Read More: HubPages: A paying outlet for your verbal diarrhea

Entrecard gives bloggers all the comments they could ask for!

Dorkage’s response to Entrecard’s partnership deal with SezWho . . . → Read More: Entrecard gives bloggers all the comments they could ask for!

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