No LUV in Tinytown

Google sucked away my LUV!  Sorry!

Google sucked away my LUV! Sorry!

With a heavy heart I disabled commentluv and Dofollow on Hot Dorkage. See the two post series below for why.

There is quite a thoughtful discussion in the comments section, especially on the first post of the series. If you read these and understand, then you will understand why we did this:  basically Google takes away whatever tiny LinkLUV Mojo you have  if you haven’t much to begin with and try to spread it around.  This is nothing we  can directly do anything about;  it depends entirely on our friends and fans taking a positive action.   If you would like to help Hot Dorkage increase our LUV mojo so that we can put back the LUV without bleeding to death, try any of the following:

  • Find your favorite post on Hot Dorkage and tweet it.
  • Subscribe to our  RSS feed.
  • Link your favorite Hot Dorkage post on your own blog.  Perhaps we gave you food for a whole new article; if so let the world know!

There will be a party on the day we turn the LUV back on — let’s see how fast our friends can help us do it. Thanks and best wishes to all Hot Dorkage Readers!

9 comments to No LUV in Tinytown

  • I think that CommentLuv serves two purposes: one is the google juice, but the other is simply the benefits of the title of someone’s last post appearing below their comments.

    I know I surf more blogs by seeing the title of someone’s last post, and it is an added incentive to post a comment (to drive human, if not google, traffic).

  • Indeed That’s 1 of 3 in favor. The 2 downsides is it doesn’t really give them juice like they might think, so in a sense its false advertising, and it takes away my juice. 2:1 against for now. I’ve gotta put on my own oxygen mask first before I can help others with theirs. It wasn’t an easy decision.

  • Happy New Year DorK 🙂
    Was reading a few post. I like your style and attitude.
    I was worried about the last update a little cause EVERY thing is DO followed on my blog. I was expecting a Google smack to zero I stayed a 4. I like all the ways you check stuff and found your blog very interesting indeed:)
    Best wishes to you and your readers
    PS your always welcome to stop by and commento 🙂

  • CommentLuv encourages your visitors to leave more comments because there’s automatic link love given to your commentators. So, in a sense, everyone wins: you will always get more comments…

  • I think that Comment Luv is an awesome plug-in that is more in line with the spirit of how linking should be done. I’ve got it on all my blogs and think it’s helped my inbound links and some of my SEO rankings for longtailed keywords.

  • I was wondering why you don’t use comment luv on your blog?

  • CommentLuv encourages your visitors to leave more comments… Anyways I like your style and attitude..:)

  • is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoyed reading

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