RSS Mystery solved: for optimal solution go to the source

WARNING: This post is about RSS, which is normally a pretty fluffy topic, but this article assumes you have a fairly technical appreciation for how it works.

I recently posted about what I hope is a trend to RSS feed bloggers’ articles into local community based social networks. If done correctly, this is a . . . → Read More: RSS Mystery solved: for optimal solution go to the source

Retweet Rank RSS fun

Tixrus (my Twitter moniker) gets retweeted on Twitter from time to time. According to Retweetrank, tixrus is the 84th percentile for retweets.

. . . → Read More: Retweet Rank RSS fun

Dofollows Part II

This post started as a follow-on comment to my post “Not All Dofollows are created Equal,” but it started to get long and linky, so it became a new post. In the previous dofollow post, I was wondering why, given the number of comments I write on other blogs, I get so few inbound . . . → Read More: Dofollows Part II

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