XKCD Nails Linux

Penguins are not big fans of Flash, that’s for sure. But they are a little out of touch and sometimes need a reality check. This reminds me of the old days when you had to do a little dance to get Linux to show the floppy disk icon on the GUI desktop. All I . . . → Read More: XKCD Nails Linux

RSS Mystery solved: for optimal solution go to the source

WARNING: This post is about RSS, which is normally a pretty fluffy topic, but this article assumes you have a fairly technical appreciation for how it works.

I recently posted about what I hope is a trend to RSS feed bloggers’ articles into local community based social networks. If done correctly, this is a . . . → Read More: RSS Mystery solved: for optimal solution go to the source

StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

If you like stumbleupon for discovering websites and blogs, you are gonna love stumbleaudio for discovering new artists and tracks. Warning: it is a flash site but the interface is well-done and intuitive.

. . . → Read More: StumbleAudio: a great way to discover new tracks

How to make an audio post


Links referenced in the post:

Audacity 1pixelout

The body of this post is audio. You should be seeing a little player icon. One of my test computers failed to display it. If you can’t see it, leave me a comment with your OS, browser and version so we can compile some data for the . . . → Read More: How to make an audio post

TalkR — Audio of your blog

What is it with me and Text-To-Speech? Just fond memories, I guess. At one time I had a TalkR widget in my Blogger blog. It had a list of all the posts and it would speak whichever one you picked. It must have worked at one time or I would have never published it. I . . . → Read More: TalkR — Audio of your blog

A sample text widget

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.