Column Comments in MySQL

A while back I was lamenting that table comments in MySQL get overlooked, and did a post on it, both how to create them, how to update them, and how to view them. The fact that my table comment post remains quite popular indicates that mySQL hasn’t SEO’d their pages on it thoroughly enough, . . . → Read More: Column Comments in MySQL

Not all dofollows are created equal

I comment on plenty of of blogs. I never noticed my comments scoring me serious incoming links on my WP dashboard, even from so-called “dofollow” blogs. That’s what dofollows are meant to do — increase your incoming link count, and ultimately bump your Google PR.

. . . → Read More: Not all dofollows are created equal

Entrecard gives bloggers all the comments they could ask for!

Dorkage’s response to Entrecard’s partnership deal with SezWho . . . → Read More: Entrecard gives bloggers all the comments they could ask for!

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