If you get this, you’re a geek

Strange name for student causes data loss. . . . → Read More: If you get this, you’re a geek

Robotic cursing hack in Spanish

Colleen describes a posting involving some reverse engineering, in which she successfully delivers a wordpress posting that uses vozme’s flash mp3 player to deliver profane in Spanish without resulting to popups and without having dirty words in the post. . . . → Read More: Robotic cursing hack in Spanish

Be nice to your System Admin

My plans to post a Geeky Goodness series on Zend Framework have been delayed by….. well, let’s just call it a “situation.” I have no desire to turn this blog into one of those collections of embedded third party videos that is otherwise content free. But once in a while I find one that fits . . . → Read More: Be nice to your System Admin

Geek Events In the News

Note: This clipping is strictly for entertainment purposes, is 100% fictitions and facetious, and has no connection with any news media or individual living or dead bla bla bla…… You can get your own fake clipping like this free from getclippings.com.

. . . → Read More: Geek Events In the News

On digital abundance…

he web is my platform; I shall never lack. She maketh me to surf abundant (though often vapid) content; She leadeth me to streaming media; she restoreth my cache. She guideth me in the path of abiding by the TOS for my conscience’s sake. Yea, though I tread a fine line of legality I . . . → Read More: On digital abundance…

Move over Dilbert…. uh… (sort of)

I was just surfing around the startupalooza website for who’s coming to Portland and I ran across the toonlet site. I remember writing a Mr. Potato head stack in Hypercard many years ago and it was a lot of fun. I’d seen others as well, desktop toys for Windoze and Mac, all along the . . . → Read More: Move over Dilbert…. uh… (sort of)

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