Morph your face into something else

Just having some fun with the morph generator at St. Andrews. I fed it a picture in of one of the coolest people in the galaxy, and look what it did. That first one is supposed to be a baby–EEK! it looks like Chuckie — where did they get that other row of teeth!!! The east asian one is actually OK. But the West Asian and the African one look like bad makeup jobs. Fooo! Not trying to dis on anyone, please no one take offense, it’s just a toy. It has a face averager too. I tried to average my face with Sarah Palin’s, and it hung. Darn. But it’s probably for the best.

7 comments to Morph your face into something else

  • Looks like a good software to play with. You always had softwares like photoshop to morph pictures, but some find it too complicated and dificult. For such people, it’s good having such softwares to experiment and damage stuff!!….lol

  • yeah….. that is a nice software there are seven different effects on morph face

  • admin

    I remember this is much like a java applet called “Warp” back in the old Web 1.0 days. I had a picture of bill gates in there. You could click and drag and mix up his face a bit.

  • hey Colleen,
    Cool little toy. I’m afraid I have to agree with you that it is a wee bit Chuckesque… I’m sorry the Palin morph didn’t work. I would have like to have seen that. Maybe I’ll try it on myself. 🙂 ~ Steve, trade show marketing

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