Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere


The other day I got to thinking, why shouldn’t I be the President?
Maybe I could be president of the blogosphere….. OK….. Since I’m now a politician I have act like one and promise you GREAT things. Your weenie will grow so big you’ll have to coil it up like a lasso. A suckling pig in every pot! (bleah!) You will lose 40 KG by eating cotton candy. All the celebs you love will be pursuing you! Your HDTV will grow so big you won’t be able to get it out of your house. Your blog subscriptions will positively explode! Am I getting the hang of political promises or what?

Voila! the contest is born. Here’s how it works:

  1. Vote for me with your blog domain. Anyone can vote and get blogrolled, EC member or not!! Voting puts you in the database.
  2. After you vote, take the code for the widget, customize it so that your domain is the referrer, and put it on your blog or website. Any domain (other than the referrer themself) who votes for me from a widget with your domain as referrer is credited to you as a referral. At the end of the time whichever domain refers the most votes wins the 2000 EC minimum, (plus any donations we might get.) Any blog or website can have the widget! If a non EC domain wins, I will dispose of the prize according to your wishes.

And I repeat, everyone who votes gets on the Dork 4 Prez blogroll. So everyone wins. Check back once in a while. You can see the blogroll growing as the contest progresses.

Here is the voting widget:

Here’s the HTML for you to copy, customize, & paste to your blog:

Donate to the campaign
Donate EC to the campaign if you would like. For each 10 EC you donate you will get 1 referral. Leave me a message in EC to let me know which domain should get the credit. All donations will be added to the grand prize. Sailor over at Nice2All has already pledged 3000 EC
Fine Print:
I need at least 2000 votes total in order to award the prize.

16 comments to Win 2000 EC: Elect Dork President of the Blogosphere

A sample text widget

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.